
A supermarket is, first of all, a huge store of products. It is from the shelves and counters of supermarkets and hypermarkets that food gets to the tables and into the consumers’ refrigerators. What a “food house” should look like, so that, for example, a mother was not afraid to buy fruits in it for her kids?

The main condition is of course cleanliness. The confidence of buyers is easy to win, if everything, what they will touch in a store, will be clean and tidy, especially it regards the shelves, as well as surfaces where the food products are placed. Cleanliness and hygiene must be maintained in a supermarket, the surfaces are simply obliged to sparkle: there should be no extraneous smells, mold, insects.

It is quite difficult to maintain a big premise, which is visited by an uninterrupted stream of people, clean on your own account. To do this, it is necessary to have a full-fledged cleaning service, which will work practically 24 hours a day. However, in this case, it is necessary to recruit employees, whose work should be organized in 3 shifts! And there is a big question of staff turnover and replacement of employees: one can feel ill, one didn’t come to work, and so on. At the same time questions of purchase and proper storage of detergents are added, as well as many other issues, the result of which will be cleanliness in a store. All these nuances are professionally and quickly decided by a specialized cleaning company.

During the day, several employees or a dozen of employees (depending on the size of a store) should be constantly cleaning the premise, as people, coming in from the street, bring dirt and dust on their shoes. Therefore, floors need to be cleaned several times a day.

In addition, you need to consider weather conditions: in snow or rainy weather, cleaning should be more intensive and frequent. Also, in case of unforeseen situations (visitors or employees of the trading floor have broken or scattered something, the promotion has ended and it is necessary to sweep up/wash the floor, etc.), an “on-hand” cleaner is needed, who will promptly collect garbage and wash the contaminated surfaces.

It is unlikely that customers will like the dust on the shelves or the remnants of some products, so every day you need to wipe the surfaces of all the display windows and counters. In addition, all glass and metal surfaces should be polished regularly. Particular attention should be given to the entrance: doors, rugs and steps near the entrance must be clean and safe; a regular replacement of dirt-absorbing carpets at the entrance should be done.

In addition to those premises that are accessible to visitors of the store or shopping center, warehouse, production and technical premises should also be kept clean at the highest level. Therefore, the cleaning should also be done there.

But daily surface cleaning is not enough. It is necessary to carry out a high-quality deep cleaning that will help to prevent odors on the packaging of goods in the warehouse, which will include washing the kitchen, taking care of removing pests and rodents in time, ventilating the premise, washing the ventilation grilles, etc. The recommended frequency of deep cleaning is once per week. During this time, it is possible to eliminate contaminations, sources of goods’ spoilage and foreign odors, in order to ensure the permanent presentable appearance of goods on the shelves. Most common the cleaning in stores and supermarkets is carried out at night, when the store does not work or the number of visitors is minimal.

It is quite important to systematically clean out the trading floors: clean all floor coverings, perform disinfection, remove dirt from hard-to-reach places, wash windows and walls. Deep cleaning, held with a clear periodicity, will not only help to keep the premises and trade halls clean, but will also postpone the time for carrying out repair works, since the surfaces contained in the cleanliness serve much longer and require repair and replacement much less often.

Another type of cleaning services are one-time works, which are usually held at the beginning of the season, or as needed:
– high-altitude work and industrial mountaineering;
– dry cleaning of carpets and linoleum;
– washing of windows, front faces and display windows;
– disinfection, deratization, etc.

In case if the store as just going to be opened, another type of cleaning service, required for the supermarket, is a post-construction cleaning. Post-construction cleaning in a supermarket allows you to bring the walls, windows, ceilings, floors and surfaces of commercial equipment in absolute order, so that there are no traces of building materials and specific smells.

It is at the opening stage of the store that it is important to calculate the need for daily cleaning and deep cleaning, selecting the appropriate cleaning company as a contractor. This will allow you to focus on direct business management, rather than the issues of dirty windows or floors.